At Large Candidates: Do you Have Three Minutes for M

October 14, 2020  •  Leave a Comment

Hello At Large Candidates! Three MinutesThree Minutes

My name is Tom Donohue; I am a photographer / videographer who lives in Ward 8 for just about eight years. The reason I am writing to you is I was thinking, and while looking at the sample ballot, I realized that I didn't recognize many of you that are running for this At Large position, and frankly, that's not fair to you all. So without any expectation of anything in return, I would like to capture a no more than a three-minute video of you via my zoom room, ideally introducing yourself and making a pitch of your candidacy that will be widely circulated on social media.

I give no specific guarantees of its success; however, I will supply each candidate a link they can also promote if they'd like yet. To make it fair to everyone, if you use any of my final videos, you must use it all. That means to be fair to everyone; if you decide to make use of the video, you must share everyone's video as well (it will be one video that can be seen at a specific link I just ask that no one edits just their part out to share) . Now what folks do with it from there is beyond our control, but I would expect each campaign to honor my genuine attempt in helping everyone, and when sharing, please share without any edits. I will not be editing the videos; however, you have 30 minutes to get it right the way you want to. I will take whichever take you can complete within the 30 minutes.  

Folks, this is a genuine attempt to help educate our fellow neighbors. I honestly have no affiliation with any particular campaign. My first ever involvement with anything political in DC will be my assisting the Anacostia Coordinating Council with the broadcasting of Mondays Ward 8 & At Large State Board of Education Candidate Forum. That's it. 

So no secret agenda or affiliation – just a local small business that wants to help educate our neighbors while things are so quiet with my own business due to Covid-19.

To register for your 30-minute slot, please go to Again, this is a free service to your campaign.   I am offering it to each campaign, and it will take very little work on both our parts; however, it will help get your word out. Again, my only goal is to provide an additional outlet to help all candidates. When I started thinking about my ballot, I didn't realize how many of you there were and that I couldn't vote in good conscience if I didn't know anything about everyone, until now. Hopefully, others will watch and also gain the same insight.  I'd suggest of each campaign, list additional ways to learn more about you and how to contact you during your Three minutes. Listen, I have a very aggressive schedule for this. I want to capture your remarks Fri and Sat and hopefully have it completed by Monday, fingers crossed. Now, who is in?

Just go to and sign up for a 30-minute slot; we'll meet in my zoom room. Please be ready, prepared, and have practiced. I will not go over 30 minutes. Remember, keep it to three minutes and see you soon.

If you'd like to make contact with me, I can be reached at [email protected] or via phone at 202-525-4390 x102

Thank you for your consideration. I hope this effort is helpful to everyone



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