Boone Elementary Parents & DCPS Admin Meet to Discuss Termination of Principal JK.

June 16, 2020  •  1 Comment

Boone Elementary Parents Meeting With DCPS Administration

Parents of students at Lawrence E. Boone Elementary request a meeting with DCPS Administration about the recent non-renewal of their school Principal Dr. Carolyn Jackson-King . During this online Teams meeting parents at times got emotionally heated telling the administration they were not listening and that they were being disrespectful for wasting an hour of their time if they were not going to even consider the testimonials. A good amount of discussion also surrounded the controversial Relay Graduate School of EDU. Asking questions about contracts and money paid out on those contracts, associations with DCPS officials and Relay.


Entire Meeting between Parents of Students at Lawrence E. Boone Elementary and DC Public Schools

Here is the entire virtual Team meeting requested by parents of students at Boone Elementary. Here you will hear all of the testimonies from parents and students.


Dr. Homes explains Leadership Standards

 DCPS Begins to explain what goes into evaluating Principals.

Where is the Relay Money Going?

At A meeting Parents of students at Boone Elementary in Ward 8 question where the money is going related to pubic contracts awarded to Relay

Questions about Conflicts of Interest With DCPS Administrators

DCPS Cluster II Instructional Superintendent Ms. Stinson respons to direct question about her involvement with the Relay program.


"My Child is not your prisoner"

A parent tells DCPS that her child will not be their prisoner when it comes to implementing the Relay Program at Lawrence E. Boone Elementary


"Excuse me!, You are being very dismissive and disrespectful"

Parents of Lawrence E. Boone Elementary express their frustration with DC Public Schools saying they have wasted the parents time and that they were not listening to them.



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