New Video Surfaces Showing Keisha Young Swinging on Security Moments Before Viral Video

June 16, 2021  •  2 Comments

In a new video obtained by TMD Enterprises, Ms. Keisha Youngis seen swinging at security while standing on the stairs.  Many have asked what happened just before the now viral video began.  

Keisha Young Swings on Security


TMD Enterprises Photography & Videography
For the record:

This video was submitted to us via our website. It was sent anonymously. Without knowing who sent it we made one edit and that was removing the two gentleman that are shown in the same video you see elsewhere - for their safety. The video is played twice the first time at real time the other is in slow motion. We watermarked the image to control the version we put out to account for and to be able to compare any other versions and we published it here because we felt it was important and we have our website as a resource to be able to post it. I think its safe to say we knew posting it was risky however important to understanding the factual events that lead to the original footage circulating. Those are the only edits that were made and you can watch the same video elsewhere with the two guys to confirm there are no other edits.

We posted the video because it added to the narrative of Ms. Young's version of her story. We feel and request that Nellies publishes all of the security camera footage of this incident as with this video one could make an argument that its a different narrative then that of what Ms. Young has shared with the media. That is no opinion that is factual and we felt the community had a right and we had a responsibility to show it especially since jobs, and businesses are at risk. We also felt obligated to share to the community in light of Ms. Young's request via her gofundme page requesting support of $75,000. This event has affected many lives including Ms. Young's life - however it has shut down a business, has got several people fired, a vendor lost a gig, and the community is threatening to boycott the business. With that said the community should be completely aware of all the details in order to make informed decisions.

Please note: The owner of TMD Enterprises has never been to Nellies, has never knowingly met the owner of Nellies nor has the owner or TMD Enterprises been compensated in any way shape or form. He has been security for numerous bars and clubs in several states and equates to about 15 years of experience.

Again, as details are released the narrative could change again, that's why we call upon Nellies to release any video they may have in order to give a complete and non biased visual of the incident and allow the community to come to their own informed decision.
Tawanda Pearson(non-registered)
My niece Keisha Young is a very respectful young college woman, who has a surmountable amount of respect for authority figures. The only way I can see her striking anyone is if she felt threatened, and/or they assaulted her first. Which still does not make it alright for a grown man to assault and drag my niece down a flight of stairs. This is why I'll continue to say #JUSTICEFORKEISHA #JUSTICE4KEISHA
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